Before I start - I have never done a tutorial before so if you have any questions just ask in a comment and I will try to clarify. Here goes:

Supplies needed: 3 yds of cotton fabric; matching thread; 27 pieces of 9 x 12 felt - 11 of color #1, 10 of color #2, and 6 of color #3; a piece of batting 22 x 108, button, ribbon or elastic, dry beans for the bean bag. I also have access to an embroidery machine which I use for personalization.
Step 1 -(Making Numbers) Find a font on Microsoft Word or other document program and print out numbers 1 -10 so they are 4 - 5 inches tall. Pin the numbers to color #3 of felt and cut out. Cut color #2 felt to 7 x 10 rectangles. Attach numbers to color #2 felt and then attach #2 to color #3. Sew numbers on and then sew color #2 to color #3.
Step 2- (Attaching Numbers to Fabric) Cut fabric in half lengthwise - you should have 2 - 22 x 108 pieces. Arrange felt on fabric, pin, and then sew into place. (This is kind of a pain in the keester so TRY to do it right the first time. If you unpick the felt it messes up the dimensions of it and makes it an even BIGGER pain in the keester. I know this from experience!)
Step 3 - (Making the bean bag and bean bag pocket) Cut a 4 x 4 piece of felt and sew it on the by your number 1. Only sew three sides - leaving the top open - so it makes a nice little pocket. If you are personalizing the bean bag, you would do that now. Cut 2 - 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 pieces of felt - I used color #1. Sew three sides together - turn so seams are on the inside. Fill with dry beans and then hand sew closed.

Step 4 - (Attaching batting and backing fabric) If you are personalizing do that now. Sew your personalized felt onto the backing fabric so that when rolled up you see it. Layer right side of front to right side of back then put piece of batting on top. PIN. Sew sides and top together - leaving bottom open for turning. Turn. Pin ribbon loop or elastic loop to middle of bottom and fold fabric towards inside so you can sew up the bottom. Do a blanket stitch on all four sides - this is how the bottom gets closed up. Roll up your mat and attach the button so that you can close it with your loop. That's it - YOU ARE DONE!!
I hope that all made sense! It takes me about 6 hours from start to finish. Make sure if you have any questions to ask. Also, please don't make these to sale. I don't mind showing you how to do it if they are for gifts or personal use, but PLEASE don't make them for profit.